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About Us
Areas of Consultancy
Finance and Control
Sales and Marketing
Planning, Technologies, Research and Development
Quality, Enviromental Management
Training and Learning
Organization and Information System
Human Resources
Areas of Consultancy

Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est

Management consulting services are oriented to optimise Companies Business Strategies, Operations, Human Resources Administration and Information Management.

Our consultants all certified by APCO support the entrepreneur or the company's management; they help them to understand and to know; they embark with them in a dialectic exchange in order to work out the business complexity.
All this with the objective to optimise the deployment of the company's resources to obtain the highest ROI.
Starting from the improvement of the operations and distribution efficiency, of the commercial and eBusines strategies, of the marketing plans and market researches, until the budgeting and reporting optimisation, our clients develop growth paths that give them the chance to obtain and maintain an edge on competition.

Our areas of consultancy are therefore those that involve the role and the tasks of company's management.
Such areas, often seen as separated, are indeed strictly connected and interacting with each other.

It is evident in fact how interdisciplinary approaches are more and more developing.
And how interactions between different methods are becoming more frequent.
To name but a few: Scenery Analysis, Assets Studies, Mergers/Acquisitions, Project Management, Job Creation.

Finance and Control
Sales and Marketing
Planning, Technologies, Research and Development
Quality, Enviromental Management
Organization and Information System
Human Resources
Training and Learning